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Dalai Lama says 'China should think about Tibet before India'

Dalai Lama visited Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh for 9 consecutive days in April

The Dhaka Times Desk The Dalai Lama is unconcerned about the Chinese changing the names of six places in Arunachal Pradesh, despite protests from the Tibetan government-in-exile's prime minister. According to him, the Chinese cannot even pronounce Tibetan names correctly. This is exactly what happened in this case. This matter should not be given so much importance.

দালাইলামা বললেন ‘ভারতের পূর্বে তিব্বত নিয়ে চীনকে ভাবতে হবে’ 1

Dalai Lama visited Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh for 9 consecutive days in April. China has also expressed dissatisfaction with it. In 2009 they did the same thing with Dalai Lama's visit to Arunachal. After this, it was learned that the names of six places in Arunachal Pradesh were changed overnight on the Chinese map. Every place has influence of Tibetan Buddhist culture.

Reacting to this, the Prime Minister of the exiled Tibetan government in Dharamshala directly said that Beijing's action is a reflection of the Chinese Han aggressive policy. In comparison, the Dalai Lama's response to this issue in Delhi was much more restrained.

It is known that the Dalai Lama was awarded the Professor ML Sondhi 2016 award at a ceremony in Delhi. Vajpayee cabinet member, renowned journalist Arun Shourie was present on the occasion.

On that occasion, Dalai Lama said, India is not an insignificant country, on top of that, India is now quite strong in terms of military power. China must recognize this strength of India. Rather than dealing with India, China should think more about the internal situation in Tibet. Tibet's right to self-governance must also be respected.

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