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Dell's new laptop came in the market at a low price

Intel Celeron N-3060 model processor, 2 GB RAM, 500 GB hard drive, 11.6 inch display, Bluetooth, HD graphics card, Bluetooth and WiFi

The Dhaka Times Desk Dell's new low-cost laptop is now in the market to make laptops accessible to everyone. This new laptop is available all over the country for just 22 thousand 500 taka with two years after sales service.

বাজারে এলো স্বল্পমূল্যে ডেল এর নতুন ল্যাপটপ 1

Smart Technologies has brought this new Dell laptop to the country's market. This new laptop has Intel Celeron N-3060 model processor, 2 GB RAM, 500 GB hard drive, 11.6 inch display, Bluetooth, HD graphics card, Bluetooth and WiFi and other necessary features.

Those concerned are expecting this new laptop of Inspiron series 11-3162 model to get a huge response in the market.

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