The Dhaka Times Desk There have been many dramas and movies about the life of Rabindranath Tagore. Bollywood's heartthrob actress Priyanka Chopra is going to make a film about the first love of Kabiguru's life.
He has also brought the initial plan to the final stage. The name of the film has been decided as 'Nalini'.
Reportedly, the film will be directed by the National Award winning director of 'Escape From Taliban' Ujjal Chatterjee. Sagarika Chattopadhyay arranged the story of the film. Priyanka herself is closely monitoring the writing of the script.
There is also a team of several Rabindra-experts and journalists involved in the investigative aspect of the story.
Director Ujjal Chattopadhyay said, 'The story of the film will proceed with the first love in Rabindranath's life. At that time the poet was eighteen years old. In Sholapur, Panduram Tharkar's daughter Annapurna was tasked with teaching English to the poet.
Annapurna's age was twenty, blue. Oxford-passed. The whole Sahebi vibe in the clothes-in-the-self.
As the days passed, Rabindranath-Annapurna became involved in love. Marathi poet's daughter named this Annapurna 'Nalini' at the will of her lover.
He also wrote a song about her, 'Shuno Nalini Kholo Go Ankhi...'. This news was not much known to anyone. But the love did not last. When the poet's father came to know about this, he sent him to the billet.
Annapurna was married to a British professor named Harold Littledale. But he could never forget Rabindranath. In some cases it also manifests itself.
The story of the film started in 2017. When researcher John Hamm from Edinburgh came to India in search of Nalini's sources. From here basically the image will never go into flashback. Will come back sometime.
The work of this film will start in November. Marathi actress Sonali Kulkarni can play the role of Nalini. And Satyendranath will be Kunal Kapoor. Jesus Sengupta can get an important role! It is said that Priyanka will jointly produce the film with another company.