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Revealing the secret of Mona Lisa's smile!

Over the past five centuries, countless art experts have scrambled to unravel the mystery of Mona Lisa's smile.

The Dhaka Times Desk The smile of Mona Lisa, painted by the famous artist Leonardo da Vinci, has been studied for a long time. This time, researchers discovered the secret of Mona Lisa's smile!

মোনালিসার হাসির রহস্য উন্মোচন! 1

There are many mysteries in Mona Lisa's smile painted by the famous painter Leonardo da Vinci. Sometimes it seems, Mona Lisa has a wry smile on her face. Looking at it a little longer, it seems that some unexplained pain has emerged in that smile. Over the past five centuries, countless art experts have scrambled to unravel the mystery of Mona Lisa's smile.

In the end, there is no universal answer to the question of what is the secret of Mona Lisa's smile. However, researchers have given the long-awaited answer to that question. At least neurologists at the University of Freiburg claim so.

University professor Juergen Kornimier said, as a result of a special study, they came to the conclusion that Mona Lisa's smile is actually a smile of happiness, not a special mental disorder. Monalisa laughed because of joy. But how did the experts reach this conclusion?

They said a special study was conducted to unravel the mystery of Mona Lisa's smile. Leonardo da Vinci created four slightly happier and four slightly sadder versions of the Mona Lisa by slightly raising or bending the corners of the woman's lips at the center of this immortal painting. Then 12 viewers were shown these 9 pictures interchangeably a total of 30 times without knowing which one is the real Mona Lisa.

Viewers are asked to indicate which Mona Lisa they see as happy and which Mona Lisa they see as depressed.

The answer is that every viewer, every time they see the real Mona Lisa, identifies her smile as a smile of joy. The study was conducted to get an idea of what a person's facial expressions create in other people's minds about them.

The results of this survey will be very helpful in understanding the hidden mystery of the human mind, scientists believe.

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