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Toyota will provide financial support for the development of flying cars

Drone technology will be used in this new technology car

The Dhaka Times Desk Japanese car maker Toyota has announced that it will provide financial support to a group of engineers working to develop flying cars.

উড়ন্ত গাড়ি তৈরিতে আর্থিক সহায়তা দেবে টয়োটা 1

Toyota said it will contribute ¥50 million to the project; In this project which is equivalent to 2 lakh 74 thousand pounds. 30 volunteer engineers are working to build this car called SkyDrive.

Drone technology will be used in this new technology car. It will have 3 wheels and 4 rotors or propellers – as seen in drones these days. It will be 9 and a half feet long and a little less than 4 and a half feet wide. This flying car can fly 10 meters above the ground. The maximum speed of this car will be 62 miles per hour.

The project's volunteer engineers hope the flying car will be used to light the torch at the Tokyo Summer Olympics in 2020, the BBC reported.

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