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Japanese lawyers are unemployed because of no clients!

Over the past 15 years, the country's policymakers have doubled the number of lawyers in Western legal systems

The Dhaka Times Desk Lawyers in Japan are unemployed due to lack of cases. 15 years ago, the Japanese government took the initiative to greatly increase the number of lawyers to ensure speedy justice for its citizens. He did not raise the case in proportion, many lawyers are now out of work!

মক্কেল না থাকায় বেকার হয়ে পড়েছেন জাপানের আইনজীবীরা! 1

According to a report published in the Wall Street Journal, the country's policymakers have doubled the number of lawyers in the Western legal system over the past 15 years to bring mobility to Japanese society. But currently the number of cases in the country has reduced to a record amount. That's why the old lawyers in this profession are not getting any clients, the new ones are completely unemployed!

The total number of lawyers in Japan in 2015 was 36,415. This is almost twice as much as at the end of the last century. During this period, the litigation has also reduced significantly. Japan now has 287 lawyers for every 1 million people. At least 78 percent of lawyers work in law firms with 10 or fewer lawyers.

According to media reports, the admission application to these law institutes has decreased significantly in the last decade. Many lawyers are thinking of leaving the profession to do something else.

Shinichi Sakano, co-founder of a law firm, said, "There is no doubt that finding clients is very difficult now.

Japanese officials are also currently concerned about massive infrastructure and potential unemployment. Moreover, what will be the future of this profession and organization - they are also thinking very much.

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