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Android's new feature will save battery charge!

The new version is being made more user-friendly which will show users features related to battery menu with adaptive brightness and battery percentage icons.

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know smartphone battery not charging is a big problem. Many times you have to refrain from listening to music or using the internet for fear of not being charged. But from now on, don't worry about it. Because Android's new feature will save battery charge!

অ্যান্ড্রয়েডের নতুন ফিচার ব্যাটারির চার্জ বাঁচাবে! 1

We don't even know exactly what causes or what app is responsible for consuming battery charge. Android's new operating system is going to bring a solution for this problem.

At the I/O developer conference that started on May 17, Google announced several features of Android's new operating system 'O'. The battery menu that current users have on their phone lets you toggle battery saver mode and show per-app stats, but it's not really useful. That's why the new version is being made more user-friendly which will show users features related to battery menu with adaptive brightness and battery percentage icons.

According to Mashable, the feature will show detailed statistics for active usage, background usage and battery usage for each app. Again, the application can be closed or uninstalled accordingly. So it can be said definitively, this new redesign indicates the company's focus on battery life. Due to which the experience of Android users worldwide is expected to improve.

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