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Do not keep money bag in back pocket of pants

Many diseases are caused in our body due to keeping money bag in back pocket of pants

The Dhaka Times Desk Almost all of us keep a wallet in the back pocket of our pants. It has become our habit. But do you know it is harmful to the body? You can even get crippled for it!

We very commonly keep the wallet in the back pocket of the pants. However, experts say, many diseases are caused in our body due to keeping money bags in the back pocket of pants.

According to a recently published study, several diseases from neck to waist can start nesting one by one because of keeping this money bag. If these diseases are not treated in time, there is a risk of paralysis.

The question may come how a simple money bag does so much damage? Experts have also answered this. They said what damage this wallet does.


Money bag and body balance

Several case studies have revealed that sitting for long periods of time with a money bag in the back pocket can seriously damage some important nerves in our lower body. Also, the balance of the pelvis and hips also deteriorates. Due to the fact that the waist can put severe pressure on the back and neck, these parts of the body are affected by several complex diseases.

Not only here, according to Dr. Chris God, a famous doctor of clinical science, if we sit for a long time with a bag in the back pocket, the normal rhythm of the posture is disrupted. If this happens for a long time, the spinal joints, muscles and discs can be severely damaged. Because of that, the pain and the performance of these parts of the body also decreases and the risk of paralysis remains.

May cause back pain

If you sit while having a money bag in the back pocket of your pants, the balance or posture of the body starts to deteriorate gradually. Due to which severe pressure is gradually placed on the spine. That is why symptoms like back pain appear. If not taken care of in time, problems such as back pain may develop gradually. Do you want this to happen to you? Of course not. So start keeping wallet in front pocket instead of back pocket from today.

Wallet and lower body

When sitting with the wallet in the back pocket, you will notice that one side of the hip is raised, the other side is lowered. If you sit like this for a long time, multiple nerves in the pelvis are damaged. Also our sitting posture is not correct. Due to which the lower part of the body gradually starts to become disabled or paralyzed. Although it takes a long time to happen, it eventually does.

In fact the hip and pelvis are a foundation of the spine. So if the foundation is not right then how the back of the body will be healthy now tell me!

Note that keeping a money bag in the back pocket puts a lot of pressure on the sciatica nerve. If this happens for a long time, you may also experience problems like leg pain and numbness.

Neck and money bag

Our body is mainly held by the spine. So when the spinal cord itself is not right, it creates a deadly pressure on the back of our body, from which many diseases can arise. One of which is neck pain.

One thing to note. And that is the side which is higher, the body also leans towards it. Due to which the spine also has to bend. If the head is bent in this way for a long time, it creates a lot of pressure on the neck. Due to which severe pain starts.

Where do you keep the wallet?

According to, you can put the wallet anywhere instead of the back pocket. If you want, you can keep it in the right or left pocket of the pants. If you don't want to do that, then you can keep the wallet in the office bag. The truth is, if you don't want to become crippled in old age, you must give up the habit of keeping your wallet in the back pocket of your pants. Due to this little unconsciousness of yours, you may bring some serious damage in your life. Be careful to stay so long!

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