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Alternative planets to be found within 100 years: Stephen Hawking

Due to gradual increase in industrialization, toxic carbon gas is being released faster than expected

The Dhaka Times Desk Once again, the discussion of the world has started with the speech of the physicist Stephen Hawking. He said, not in the next 1000 years, but in the next 100 years, the people of the earth will have to find an alternative planet to live in.

একশ বছরের মধ্যেই বিকল্প গ্রহ খুঁজতে হবে: স্টিফেন হকিং 1

Physicist Stephen Hawking said this in a television interview in London. Stephen Hawking highlighted the importance of quickly finding alternative planets for habitation, noting that the gradual increase in industrialization is releasing toxic carbon gases faster than feared.

Physicist Stephen Hawking, pointing out that the Earth will soon become uninhabitable, said that it will be possible to remove the technological barriers to living on alternative planets through the collective efforts of countries that are ahead in space research.

Earlier, in an interview last November, the physicist Stephen Hawking opined that the Earth will be uninhabitable within 1,000 years.
