The Dhaka Times
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Palestinian judge banned divorce in Ramadan!

He has taken this decision based on the experience gained from the past years

The Dhaka Times Desk Mahmoud Habash, head of the Palestinian Sharia Court, has banned divorce during the holy month of Ramadan. He issued this order last Sunday.

ফিলিস্তিনি বিচারক রমজান মাসে বিবাহ বিচ্ছেদ নিষিদ্ধ করলেন! 1

While announcing the ban on divorce, Mahmud Habash said that he took this decision based on the experience gained from the past years.

According to Mahmud Habash, head of the Sharia Court, one should fast all day during the month of Ramadan. Smoking is prohibited during this time. Frustrated by this or losing their temper, many decide to break up in anger. But after the breakup, the man regretted it again. But then he has nothing else to do.

Note that 50,000 weddings were celebrated in the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza in 2015. But surprisingly, more than 8,000 divorces were filed in the same year.

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