The Dhaka Times Desk Many women use lipstick to enhance the beauty of their lips. But many people do not know that there are some harmful effects of using lipstick.
The number of women who do not use lipstick is very less. Undoubtedly, its use makes women more attractive. But some chemicals present in it can cause various physical problems by entering the body through the mouth or in any other way.
So it is very important to be aware of the use of lipstick. Lipstick should not be used more than once a day. It is better not to use it unless there is a special need. Also, avoid using cheap, low-quality lipsticks.
Now let's know what damage can be caused by any of the ingredients present in the lipstick:
Most lipsticks contain lead. This can cause damage to the nervous system and brain. Besides, lead can cause problems like hormonal imbalance and infertility. Even if it enters the body in very small amounts, the consequences can be fatal.
Chromium, Cadmium and Magnesium
Lipsticks contain high levels of chromium, cadmium and magnesium. These elements can cause various serious diseases as well as organ damage. Chromium slowly accumulates in the kidneys if lipstick is used excessively. Due to this, there is a possibility of kidney failure later. In addition, there is a possibility of stomach tumor if lipstick is used in excess.
This chemical is also used in the manufacture of lipstick. This material created from natural gas and oil is very harmful to the body. If it enters the body through the mouth, it can have harmful effects on the physical growth, reproductive system and intelligence of women.
Formaldehyde is used as a preservative in lipsticks. This material can cause problems like sneezing, coughing and eye irritation.
Parabens and bismuth oxychloride
These two components of lipstick can also be harmful to the body. Parabens and bismuth oxychloride act as carcinogens. That is, if they accumulate in the body, the chances of developing cancer increase.