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Iran conducted a strong military exercise to warn the United States!

Iran embarked on a powerful military exercise on the occasion of a special day in Iran

The Dhaka Times Desk The United States has issued one warning to Iran. Now Tehran is ready to respond to all those warnings. But it is not on the face, Iran responded to the United States by carrying out strong military exercises.

যুক্তরাষ্ট্রকে হুঁশিয়ারি করতে শক্তিশালী সামরিক মহড়া চালালো ইরান! 1

Iran embarked on a powerful military exercise on the occasion of a special day in Iran. This exercise has started in Isfahan. Iran's powerful exercise has been named 'Baytul Moqaddas'.

In 1982, Khorram Shah was liberated from the occupation of Saddam's forces. Basically, this military exercise has started in Iran keeping that day in front. The purpose of this exercise is to send a strong message to the US on the one hand, while also honoring the special day.

The city was occupied by Iraqi forces for almost 20 months. The Iranian Mujahideen, strong in the power of faith, were finally able to liberate Khorram Shahr. Various programs are being celebrated in Iran on the occasion of the release anniversary of Khorram Shah. Military exercises are also part of this, Iranian military officials told the media.

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