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Do you know about the benefits of guava?

Guavas are unmatched not only for their taste but also for their variety of nutritional properties

The Dhaka Times Desk Guava is more or less loved by all of us because of its deliciousness. But guava is unmatched not only for its taste, but also for its various nutritional properties.

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Being cheap in price, guava is within the purchasing power of all of us. So by regularly eating guava we can easily meet the nutritional needs of the body. Let us know about the nutritional value of guava in detail-

Guava is rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and flavonoids. These elements provide protection against cancer and infection.

Due to the high amount of vitamin C in guava, it plays a role in increasing the immune system of our body. Guava contains four times more vitamins than oranges.

Guava contains high amount of fiber. Fiber keeps blood sugar levels normal. For this reason, regular consumption of guava reduces the risk of diabetes.

Guava maintains the balance of sodium and potassium in the body. As a result, high blood pressure patients eat guava and their blood pressure is normal. In addition, guava reduces the risk of heart disease by reducing the level of triglycerides and harmful cholesterol.

Due to the presence of vitamin A in guava, it is very beneficial for the eyes. Guava not only prevents vision loss, but also enhances normal vision. This fruit also helps prevent diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration.

Guava leaves play a special role in relieving toothache. Drinking the juice of guava leaves relieves the problem of gum swelling and oral ulcers along with toothache.

The magnesium present in guava helps reduce stress on muscles and nerves. After a long period of physical or mental exertion, eating guava gives a refreshing feeling to the body and mind.

Guava is also very beneficial for pregnant women. Folic acid present in guava plays a role in the formation of the nervous system of the fetus and prevents various diseases of the nervous system.

Guava also helps to relieve common cold due to its vitamin C content.

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