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For 4,800 years, the mother has held the child!

The pose of the two remains is very striking

The Dhaka Times Desk Archaeologists in Taiwan recently discovered the remains of a 4,800-year-old mother and her baby. The pose of these two remains is very surprising.

Mothers are usually photographed looking at the baby in their arms, as if this skeleton of the mother is looking at the baby's skeleton.

Another set of 48 remains were recovered from the ancient cemetery where these two remains were found. Besides, skeletons of 5 more children were also found at this place.

The researchers said after the examination, the height of the mother whose remains were found was 5 feet 2 inches or 160 cm, and the height of the child was 1.5 feet or 50 cm. The remains of other children found in the cemetery are now being researched. Detailed information about them will be provided at the end of the study.

Photos of the remains, found in central Taiwan's Taichung region, have caused a stir on the Internet.

Such remains were also found in China last year. However, researchers claim that these remains of Taiwan are more important. Because it is a sign of stone age people. Also, the humanistic pose of the mother's skeleton looking at the child's skeleton is rare indeed.

Researchers believe that this area was destroyed by an earthquake around 2000 BC. Perhaps this mother was trying to protect her child from falling rocks or dust. However, both died after being crushed.


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