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Eid shopping tips

Fasting all day makes shopping very difficult

The Dhaka Times Desk Eid shopping is as much a joy as it is a hassle. It becomes very difficult to shop for yourself or other family members after fasting all day.

Moreover, at this time there is a huge crowd of people in the markets or shopping malls. Along with this, there is the problem of increased price of goods. All in all, Eid shopping is like a name of suffering.

But if you are aware of some things, you can reduce the hassle of shopping a lot. Some such topics mentioned today are:

Create list

Make a list and write down who to buy what for. Many things don't get bought due to forgetfulness even though they want to. List will solve this problem for you. Moreover, if you have a list with you while going to the market, you can shop faster.

Schedule shopping

It is very difficult to go shopping during the day while fasting. Again after Iftar, the market or shopping malls are crowded. So you can go out a little late without going out immediately after iftar. Besides, you can know in advance when the market is less crowded.

Shop with family or friends

Take a friend or family member with you when you go shopping. It is better to buy something with the advice of others than to buy something alone. Moreover, if many people shop together, it takes less time.

Set a budget

Fixing a budget for Eid shopping is very important. If you don't budget properly, costs can go up unnecessarily. Also, due to this, a lot of time can be spent chasing unnecessary things. Know about Eid discounts of different brands to reduce costs.


Don't hesitate to bargain while shopping. If you don't like the price of an item at a store, you can go to another store. Also, if you start shopping a little earlier, you will have time to visit many stores.

Don't buy anything in haste

When we are tired of shopping, many of us rush to buy something. But this increases the possibility of buying things at a higher price. So go shopping with time on your hands, and skip shopping when you get tired.

Online shopping

If you want to save time, you can shop online. But in this case, make sure that you are buying good brand products. Also know about the product price and delivery time.

Prepare Iftari or Sehri food and go shopping

Ramadan is a very busy month. You may not get enough time to prepare Iftar or Sehri food if you are in shopping for a long time. So it is better to prepare food completely or partially before going shopping.

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