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How to be attractive without makeup

If you pay attention to a few things, you can keep yourself fresh and beautiful without makeup

The Dhaka Times Desk Applying makeup will definitely make you more attractive. But in this busy era, it is not possible to wear makeup. Moreover, due to the use of makeup, many types of skin problems can also occur.

So is there any way to look attractive without wearing makeup? By paying attention to a few things, you can keep yourself looking fresh and beautiful without makeup. So let's learn some simple tips to stay attractive:

Adequate amount of water

Drink enough water every day. Many of us cannot drink water regularly due to our busy schedule. It affects our appearance. You can always keep a water bottle with you to get water at any time. Summer, monsoon, winter – make it a habit to drink water all the time.

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Use moisturizer

Use moisturizer regularly. By using it, your skin will retain its natural moisture. As a result, the possibility of sagging or wrinkling of the skin will be reduced. Use moisturizer on the face and neck with special care to make yourself look attractive.

Exercise in the morning

Make it a habit to exercise regularly in the morning. Exercising improves blood circulation in the skin. This will make your skin more attractive.

Use face wash

It is very important to use face wash to keep the skin clean. Use face wash regularly in the morning and before going to bed at night. Also, if you have to stay outside for a long time for some reason, come back and clean your face with face wash.

Drink warm water and lemon juice

Avoid the habit of drinking tea and coffee and mix lemon juice in hot water and drink it every morning. This drink will help to eliminate various toxic substances from your body.

Shampoo regularly

Your appearance largely depends on the beauty of your hair. Sleek hair adds a different dimension to your look. So it is necessary to be aware about the hair. Make it a habit to shampoo at least once in three days to keep your hair attractive.

Believe you are beautiful

Always remember that beauty is primarily a mental matter. If you think you are beautiful, a kind of confidence will work inside you. This confidence will make you more attractive to others.

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