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Case against Trump with foreign gifts!

Various foreign governments have sent him millions of dollars in gifts to please Trump for business reasons

The Dhaka Times Desk Even after being sworn in as the President of the United States, Donald Trump could not free himself from his business. He is now facing a case with various gifts.

বিদেশি উপহার নিয়ে ট্রাম্পের বিরুদ্ধে মামলা! 1

Various foreign governments have sent him millions of dollars in gifts to please Trump for business reasons, which is a complete violation of the US Constitution. Two attorney generals of the District of Columbia and Maryland filed a lawsuit in federal court with this accusation.

There have been several lawsuits against this allegation before, but this is the first time that Donald Trump has faced a lawsuit at the state level. In a lawsuit filed by two state attorneys general, they alleged that he would stay away from all personal commercial interests, and not take advantage of domestic or foreign commercial interests, the oath Trump took when he became president. But in reality he broke that oath.

Trump's son, Eric, was quoted as saying that he still receives regular updates on his company's financial statements. He has also received large amounts of business from various governments including Kuwait and Saudi Arabia through the newly constructed Trump Hotel in Washington DC.

The indictment against Trump says that Donald Trump continues to violate the rule that prohibits foreign gifts in the administration. The two attorneys general asserted that all American citizens, including the District of Columbia and Maryland, have a right to a 'fair government'.

Note that due to this case, there may be a demand to place a copy of Trump's income tax filing before the court. Observers are of the opinion that this income tax calculation will basically clarify whether Donald Trump is involved in any secret transactions with foreign governments or banks.

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