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Exam stress? Know 5 ways to solve it

Excessive stress often affects the exam

The Dhaka Times Desk The number of students who do not get stressed before the exam is very less. This extra tension often has a negative impact on the exam.

There are many who even with very good preparation do not perform well in the exam just because of stress. Again, some students perform well as they can remain stress-free despite having little grip on the exam subject. Anyone can reduce this unnecessary stress by following some simple tips.

Try to stay calm

Do not get excited before the exam. There is no need to study extra at this time. Take occasional breaks without reading continuously. By doing this, you will not get bored with reading. Believe that what you read is enough for the exam.

Be careful about eating

Be careful about what you eat before the exam. It is better to refrain from taking any heavy food during this time. Many people drink energy drinks to get more energy. It shouldn't. Take vegetables, fruits and water in moderation.

Light exercise

You can do light exercise in the morning and afternoon. At this time you can spend some time outside. Exercising and moving around will reduce your stress a lot. It will also be easier to concentrate on studying when the stress is reduced.

Slow breathing and listening to music

If there is excessive tension, take a few moments to breathe slowly. You can also listen to music to keep your head cool.

sleep well

Good sleep is very important before the exam. So be aware of sleeping on time. Stop studying at least 30 minutes before bed, and shake off all exam-related thoughts. Do not discuss the exam with anyone at this time. Go to sleep on time without staying up too late.

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