The Dhaka Times
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The story of a dog house built at a cost of 1,70,000 dollars!

The world's most luxurious house for dogs is made by a British design company!

The Dhaka Times Desk Sometimes people also live on streets or sidewalks. Because they do not have the compatibility to build a house or rent a house or a house for a small amount of money. But this time a house of aesthetic design was built for a dog, which cost 1,70,000 dollars to build!

১,৭০,০০০ ডলার ব্যয়ে নির্মিত এক কুকুরের বাড়ি কাহিনী! 1

Everyone from low class to high class, before building a house, one thing is kept in mind, and that is the house in which every room including south facing corridor, open window, separate room for children, guest room is arranged and tidy.

Everyone wants to have a comfortable home within their means. But those who can afford it think that the cost may be a little higher. For example, a person built a house of great aesthetic design for a dog! It wouldn't be surprising if that person spent $170,000 to build a luxury home for people. But instead of doing this, he built a house for the dog at a huge cost!

The world's most luxurious house for dogs has been created by a British design company. Which is sold for millions of dollars!

According to The Mirror, Manors, a dog named Manors, has built a luxury home with air conditioning, medical facilities, television and conference calls!

১,৭০,০০০ ডলার ব্যয়ে নির্মিত এক কুকুরের বাড়ি কাহিনী! 2

The house has two rooms, one living room and another bedroom. Quality wood, expensive marble and aluminum have been used in the rooms.

It has been reported that it took four months for the Chesser-based design company 'Hect Verona' to create 3 such houses for dogs: Christian Villa, Roman Imperial Mansion and Spanish Palace.

Windows are made according to the size and height of the dogs. Moreover, the houses are built in such a way that they can see far from inside. Homes can cost anywhere from $30,000 to $170,000!

"Dogs are part of our family," said Miss Yuliam. They also want their own home just like us. Now our aim is to create a royal and good-looking house that will look and feel great when placed in the garden.'


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