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Invent wonderful methods of extinguishing fire!

A group of students in Turkey has created a fire fighting robot!

The Dhaka Times Desk A fire means that everything is burnt. Fire kills people. Recently, the London fire has scarred the hearts of people all over the world. Now a wonderful method of extinguishing fire has been invented!

আগুন নেভানোর বিস্ময়কর পদ্ধতি উদ্ভাবন! 1

Among the bad news of the fire, there is a good news. And that is the invention of a wonderful method of extinguishing fire! A group of students in Turkey has developed a firefighting robot called Parangam.

This robot was created by the students of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of Osmangazi University in Turkey.
The robot is provided with a fire sensitive system. That is why it is able to locate the fire in the building. The robot is said to be capable of both automatic and remote operation.

Professor Fuad Barsaglia of that university said, 'The robot has been given some human qualities. That's why it can work on par with people when putting out fires.'

Professor Fuad Barsaglia also said that the students were able to build this robot in just three months.

Gohkan Ayaz, a spokesperson of the student group, said, 'The robot will be able to plow the entire area to extinguish the fire. If there is a person in the place of fire, this robot can also find him. Due to which it is considered that it will be possible to prevent the financial loss and loss of life in the fire.

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