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6 incredible benefits of green tea

Do you know about the benefits of green tea?

The Dhaka Times Desk Green tea has now become one of the most popular beverages worldwide. If you hear about the benefits of green tea, you will undoubtedly want to drink it regularly. Let us know about its main 6 benefits.

Reduces weight

Green tea can be very beneficial for you if you are overweight. Studies have shown that green tea helps reduce body fat by increasing metabolism. Polyphenols present in green tea accelerate the oxidation of fats and the process of making energy from food.

Prevents heart disease

According to researchers, green tea has an effect on blood vessels. Regular consumption of green tea relaxes blood vessels and blood pressure can remain normal even if it fluctuates. As a result, blood clots reduce the chances of a heart attack.

Beneficial for skin

Green tea is also beneficial for the skin as it contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. By developing the habit of drinking green tea, skin wrinkles and other effects of age will be reduced to a great extent.

Reduces the risk of diabetes

Green tea also plays an effective role in preventing diabetes. It prevents the rise in glucose levels in the body after food intake.

Prevents tooth decay

Studies have shown that the catechins present in green tea protect us from cheek infections, dental caries and other dental problems by destroying bacteria and viruses.

Lowers cholesterol

Green tea lowers bad cholesterol levels and increases good cholesterol levels.

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