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The story of students who write with two hands! [video]

The students of this school have the ability to write with both hands together!

The Dhaka Times Desk In the society, most of the people with knowledge of handwriting write with right hand or left hand. But we have never heard of writing with two hands before. But this time heard that too!

দু’হাতে লেখে এমন ছাত্রদের গল্প! [ভিডিও] 1

There is a school in India where students are trained to write with two hands. And so the students of this school have the ability to write with both hands!

Students of a school called Veeni Badini in Singrauli district of Madhya Pradesh, India have an incomparable quality of writing with both hands. This school has about 300 students. All of whom are used to writing with both hands at the same time. There are also some students who can write two different languages with both hands!

It is reported that the students of this school have knowledge of Devanagari script, Spanish, Urdu, Roman and English and other languages. This practice helps students learn new languages and write in two languages simultaneously. 15 minutes of the 45-minute class is devoted to two-handed writing.

It is known that the school students got the motivation of this talent from the first President of India, Rajendra Prasad. Dr. This special school was opened in memory of Rajendra Prasad. Dr. Rajendra Prasad himself used two hands to write.

It is to be noted that a former soldier named BP Sharma established this school in 1999.

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