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Before the driver's heart attack, the 'car' will tell!

Scientists at the University of Michigan in the United States are going to make an 'alarm car'

The Dhaka Times Desk If the driver is likely to have a heart attack while driving, the 'car' will tell you in advance! Scientists from the University of Michigan in the United States are going to make such an 'alarm car' in a joint venture with the Japanese car manufacturer Toyota.

চালকের হার্ট অ্যাটাকের আগেই জানাবে 'গাড়ি'! 1

Now such a car is coming, which will notify the driver in advance if he has any symptoms of heart disease. A group of scientists from the University of Michigan in the United States is going to make such an 'alarm car' in a joint venture with the Japanese car manufacturer Toyota.

If the driver ever suddenly suffers a heart attack while driving, the passengers are the most at risk from the driver. This can cause major casualties.

Kavan Nazarian, a researcher at the University of Michigan, said that many accidents occur because drivers become ill while driving. Such ailments include heart diseases such as myocardial infarction and myocardial ischemia.

Those scientists are going to invent such innovative technology to get rid of such problems. This technology is capable of predicting the risk of impending heart attack by analyzing the physical condition of the driver. This device can provide early warning of impending danger by checking the driver's health information from the hospital and his physical changes while driving.

Scientists also said that the matter is not very easy. They said, to reach the goal, some obstacles must be overcome. It is impossible to install even sophisticated sensitive equipment like a hospital in a car. Besides, it is very difficult to do an immediate ECG of the driver while avoiding various noises. It is almost impossible to rely on this report. However, with the help of a device installed in the car, the driver's heart rate can be monitored with the help of a heart monitor. The discussed technology product needs to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.

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