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5 foods that are good for the liver

There are certain foods that can be eaten regularly to maintain normal liver function

The Dhaka Times Desk Liver is an important organ of our body. The liver plays a role in various bodily functions such as removing harmful substances from the blood and aiding in digestion.

There are several foods that are regularly consumed to maintain normal liver function. 5 such foods are mentioned today. You can keep your liver healthy by taking these regularly-


Garlic helps release enzymes from the liver. This enzyme plays a role in removing toxic substances from the body. Besides, garlic contains two elements called allicin and selenium. This ingredient helps to cleanse both livers.

Mosambi lemon

Regular consumption of Mosambi lemon or its juice is beneficial for the liver. It removes carcinogens and toxins from the liver. Besides, it contains vitamin C and antioxidants which are beneficial for the body.

green tea

Green tea contains a type of antioxidant called catechin. Studies have shown that this ingredient has a special role in keeping the liver healthy.


Beets are rich in plant flavonoids. It helps to keep the liver function normal overall.

Lettuce leaves

Lettuce leaves protect the liver by neutralizing various chemicals and pesticides present in food.

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