The Dhaka Times Desk Electricity bills also increase during summer. And then paying the bill is like a headache. So what to do if the electricity bill is high? Find out today.
In our country, especially in the case of electricity bills, there is a lot of anxiety. The reason is that the electricity bill is usually higher during summer. And that bill can upset anyone, and that's normal. As the gas bill is fixed, no one has to think much about it. But controlling the electricity bill becomes quite difficult. But if we are a little aware, it is possible to keep the electricity bill under our control.
What to do to control the electricity bill?
# Do you leave fans, lights, TVs, or computers running unnecessarily? If you have that bad habit then get out of that habit today.
# Always unplug not only the switch but also the plug after using electrical appliances. Better not to iron clothes at home. If you have to, switch off the iron after the iron is hot, this will save some electricity. Also your room will be cool.
# As we know that electricity consumption is high during summer, it is better to reduce the use of electronic appliances like AC, oven or washing machine unless it is very necessary.
# Practice keeping the lights off in rooms that are not occupied at night. This will save a lot of electricity. It is better to refrain from using electronic machines for small tasks.
Being energy efficient depends a lot on habits. So be aware of this from now, then the electricity bill will be under control and you won't have to worry about paying the electricity bill.