The Dhaka Times Desk A long time ago actor, producer and director Anant Jalil announced to produce his new film 'The Spy Agrajatar Mahanayak'. As always, Barsha is the heroine of Anant in the film, but Apu Biswas is a new surprise.
It is known that the script has already been completed. Now all kinds of preparations for the shooting are going on. Producer and actor Anant Jalil hopes to start shooting for the film by the end of September.
Anant said in this regard, 'Apu is a great actress. Working on our film will not be a problem. Varsha also acts very well. I hope it will be a very beautiful picture.'
Apu said, 'As an actress I can act with anyone. Anant Bhai and Varsha Apu are very good people. If I had not met them, I would never have understood the matter. There was no such talk about acting in the film. But I have no objection if they work with me.'