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Women's questions to the Saudi Imam about the burqa

A prominent religious leader has told women in Saudi Arabia to wear patterned clothes and not wear make-up

The Dhaka Times Desk Women's questions have appeared to the Saudi imam about the burqa. They asked, "How does my burqa look?" The girls asked this question to the Saudi Imam on Twitter.

বোরকা নিয়ে সৌদি ইমামকে মেয়েদের প্রশ্ন 1

A prominent religious leader has told women in Saudi Arabia to wear patterned clothes and not wear make-up. However, Saudi women ignored his call and threw many questions!

According to media reports, Saudi religious leader Mohammed Alarafeh has advised women not to wear embroidered or embroidered 'abaya' or burqas. The abaya worn by Saudi women covers the entire body except for the face, hands and feet. Many abayas in different colors and styles are seen worn by Saudi women.

Mohammad Alarakhe recently said in a post on Twitter, "Girls, don't buy an abaya that has a lot of embellishments. Please do not use any make-up.” But instead of ignoring his call, many women posted their pictures wearing abaya on Twitter and wanted to know how they look. A woman posted a picture of herself wearing an abaya on Twitter asking, “Sheikh, how do you like my abaya? Next time I will buy more brightly colored and beautifully crafted abayas.”

It should be noted that Mohammad Alarafe is a very popular figure in Saudi Arabia. “I want to share my beautiful revealing abaya pic,” tweeted one. Abaya is growing in importance in the Muslim fashion industry today.

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