The Dhaka Times
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The story of a country where women cut their hair once in a lifetime!

The Dhaka Times Desk This is really normal. And that is that women cut their hair once in a lifetime. This happened in China. There are some women in China who only cut their hair once in their life and have huge long hair.


It is known that the women of Huanglo village in Guangxi province of China still follow such a rule of about two thousand years. All women of the Yao community in this village cut their hair only once in their life. According to the rule in their group, at the age of 18, hair can be cut only once in a lifetime. It is seen that their hair grows to a huge size!

Not only that, they don't need any shampoo, oil or even conditioner to take care of their long hair. Wondering how they take care of their hair?


It is known that they wash their hair in river water if necessary. Their hair care is done regularly with this water, nothing else.

A woman from that community has already recorded 7 feet long hair. In addition, another 60 people have grown hair up to 3 feet long. Even with such long hair, the women of this community manage their daily activities.

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