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Mobile phone will be received with a smile!

Advances in technology have made the lives of mobile phone users easier than ever before

The Dhaka Times Desk We know that modern technology smartphones are controlled by touching the screen. However, the technology world is going to bring a new mobile phone, which will be received if you smile!

হাসিতেই রিসিভ হবে মোবাইলফোন! 1

Generally, when a call comes on a mobile phone, you have to press the button or the screen to receive it. This time the advancement of technology has made the user's life much easier than before. Scientists are developing a new type of ear plug to make smartphone use more enjoyable. That's why the mobile phone will be received immediately if you smile.

Scientists are developing a plug that can do the job easily. The new plug will be attached to users' ears, which will understand human facial expressions. Upon smiling, the ear-mounted device will recognize the customer's smile and automatically receive the call.

A group of scientists at Germany's Fraunhofer Computer Graphics Research Institute is working on this plug. They are using a new technology called ear-field-sensing in the earplugs, by which the device can understand all kinds of facial expressions of the users. So this technology of phone reception through smile will take the world one step further.

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