Categories: Picturesque

The Chinese train driver saved the old woman after losing her leg

The Dhaka Times Desk Humanity and sacrifice have not yet disappeared from the world, so some people remind us again and again. One such Chinese train driver named Shu Qiankai gave up his leg to save the life of an old lady recently.

Shu Qiancai was taking a train to Ronchegchang Station when he saw an old woman on the tracks. As soon as he saw the old woman, he hit the brakes and shouted at her to move. He even uses the horn to drive away the old woman.

But as the 68-year-old woman has hearing problems, she cannot hear anything and stands on the railway track. Sensing the impending danger, Qiankai jumped down from the train and dragged the old woman off the tracks. But unfortunately at that time one of his legs was cut by the train.

After this incident, Kiankai is getting the status of a hero to everyone. Qiankai is not particularly upset about losing his leg. He said, “I lost a leg, but managed to save a life. If I had to do it over again, I would.”


This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ২, ২০১৮ 10:01 pm

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