The Dhaka Times
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Chinese men have been dressing up as women for 20 years to please their mothers

His mother was very happy to see the person in that dress

The Dhaka Times Desk How many ways do people show gratitude to the mother who gradually nurtures us after birth with love and compassion. A Chinese man who has been dressing up his mother for 20 years has recently been found.

The unnamed man's mother developed some mental problems after her sister died. One day, to please her a bit, she dresses up like her sister in women's clothing. His mother was very happy to see the person in that dress. From then on, 20 years of regular womanhood appeared in front of her mother.

The man said that although he found the dress strange, he would wear it just to please his mother. Even his mother can understand the woman he is dressing up as. But he said, since my daughter died, my son is my daughter.


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