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Living with beehives in the house for 12 years! [video]

This beehive is in the homestead of Ong Li, a resident of Gunangnan, China

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us are afraid of bee stings when we see beehives around. But a family in China has been found living with a beehive in their home for almost 12 years.

This beehive is in the homestead of Ong Li, a resident of Gunangnan, China. He said that one day suddenly some bees came and started making beehives with the furniture of the house. There was a wedding ceremony at home that day. So he did not destroy the beehive considering the arrival of bees as a symbol of good luck.

From that time the hive remained in his house. It is also profitable for Lee to stay at home. Every year, he gets about 15 kg of honey from the hive, which he sells and earns about $450.

However, there is no information on how many times Lee's family suffered bee stings due to the hive being indoors for this long.


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