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Is your mobile phone heating up? Find out the solution

Today there are some tips to solve the problem

The Dhaka Times Desk Many mobile phones get hot. In such a situation, you don't understand what to do. Many times this little reason has to be recalled by the maker. But find out today about the solution to this problem.

Is your mobile phone getting hot? What do you not understand what to do? So today there are some tips to solve that problem.

Your mobile phone can get hot due to several reasons. In fact, many of us say that the more we talk on the phone, the hotter we get. Again, someone says that the more apps installed, the hotter the mobile becomes. What is it really? Many give different explanations. Some people say that using the phone continuously for a long time gets hot. But talking one thing continuously for a long time increases the pressure on the battery because the phone heats up. However, some people say that the phone gets hot for charging for a long time. Many people also say that it gets hot for playing additional games.
As you know every electrical device can get hot

However, overheating can be dangerous. So some things will be discussed so that our mobile phone does not overheat.


The main reason why the phone heats up is its processor. You may know that the main part of a smartphone is its processor. A processor is a device that is always working. You either use it or you don't. Processors are made of tiny electrons. The processor sticks to the body of the phone, due to which heat is felt or stays warm.


Thanks to new technology, smartphones are getting thinner day by day. However, battery technology has not improved in that way. The weaker the battery, the more heat it will generate. The battery causes the phone to overheat while charging or discharging.


Another cause of phone overheating is poor network. When the network is weak, the signal bounces back and forth. Again, using WiFi requires a lot of speed in the signal. In weak network, the stress of the phone is higher, due to which the mobile phone overheats.

How hot is normal?

Many people think that if the phone is less expensive, it must be hotter, but it is not. Normally smartphones can heat up to 35-47 degrees Celsius. There is evidence of this - Apple phones are hotter than Nokia phones, we all know that Apple phones are very expensive phones. However, if the phone heats up to 35-47 degrees Celsius even in standby mode, then you will understand that there is a problem.

Find out how to get rid of heat

If you use the mobile phone more or write games on the phone, it will overheat, which is not completely correct. You should always make sure that your phone is properly charged. Never have multiple apps open at once. Additional apps on your phone can take up a lot of space in the background, so you need to be careful about that. RAM and cache memory should always be kept clean. Delete unnecessary messages. If any kind of animation is running on the mobile phone, then it must be turned off. Make sure the phone cover is leather. Care should be taken that the mobile phone does not get hot in the outside heat. Also make sure that the Wi-Fi is not always on. The phone should always be kept in a dry place. Care must also be taken to ensure that data is not always on. Do not leave the mobile phone charged overnight. Charge the mobile phone as long as it takes. Maybe you think the charge will only take as much as you need. But this is not true at all. Overcharging your mobile phone can cause it to heat up and also damage the battery. So if you follow the above points, your mobile can be saved from overheating.

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