The Dhaka Times
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655,555 dollars winning the lottery 2 times a week!

Dominguez won the lottery after buying a lottery ticket at a gas station

The Dhaka Times Desk No matter how much you deny fate, sometimes things happen that force you to accept fate. One such incident happened in the case of an American teenager.

Rosa Dominguez, a 19-year-old girl, won nearly half a million dollars in a week after buying a $5 lottery ticket. He won the lottery not once, but twice.

Where many people buy lotteries all their lives and never win even once, what do you call winning the lottery worth so much money twice a week other than luck? Dominguez first won $555,555 after buying a lottery ticket at a gas station. Thinking his luck was good, he bought another lottery that week. This time he won $100,000.

Dominguez expressed his desire to buy a car and go shopping with the lottery winnings.


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