Categories: health talk

Habits that cause headaches

The Dhaka Times Desk Headache is a common problem, due to which we often suffer. To reduce headaches we need to remember that some daily habits can increase the problem of headaches.

Headaches can be caused by a variety of reasons. Sometimes tension can cause headaches. In many cases, migraines are also likely to cause headaches. Common habits that increase the problem of headaches are mentioned below-

Caffeine intake

Consuming caffeine causes dehydration in the body. This can lead to headaches for many. So be aware of tea and coffee consumption. However, even if you suddenly stop taking tea and coffee, there is a possibility of headache. So, do not stop drinking tea and coffee at once, but reduce it gradually.

Not sleeping properly

Not getting enough sleep is one of the causes of headaches. So no matter how busy your life is, you need to get enough sleep anyway. Generally, a person needs 8 hours of sleep daily. Not sleeping well can lead to various physical problems including headaches.

Avoid eating

Many of us have a habit of eating less. Skipping meals lowers blood sugar levels. This is directly related to headaches. Therefore, taking food cannot be omitted in any situation. Make it a habit to eat small meals every 3-4 hours.

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Dehydration plays a role in aggravating headache problems. Many people do not drink enough water during the day due to busy schedules, and suffer from headaches as a result. Practice drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day to eliminate this problem. No matter what state you are in, don't forget to drink water every now and then.


Excessive stress often leads to headaches. To eliminate this problem, you need to reduce your stress. Try to stay calm without getting excited in any situation. You can also practice walking, swimming and yoga to reduce stress.

This post was last modified on জুন ১২, ২০২৩ 10:49 am

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