Categories: featurehealth talk

The teenager will die if he sleeps!

The Dhaka Times Desk Suppose you are afflicted with a disease that causes you to stop breathing even if you sleep for a while, and this may even lead to your death. Feeling miserable? But the truth is, a boy has survived for a long time with just such a problem.

It is surprising to think that how a person can live with such serious problems where many of us get upset because of some minor physical problems! Although we are surprised, an 18-year-old boy named Liam Derbyshire is living with such problems.

Central hypoventilation Liam was born with a rare disease called After the birth, the doctors said that it would not be possible for him to live much longer. But Liam has passed 18 years proving all the doctors' ideas wrong.

The disease Liam suffers from is extremely rare. The number of patients with this disease is only 1500 in the whole world. Deep sleep is impossible for people with moderate disease. But in Liam's case the disease is very serious. Liam can only die if he falls asleep naturally. Because soon after falling asleep, his breathing stopped.

To overcome this problem he has to sleep in a special 'medical bed'. The bed is equipped with life support and special systems to monitor Liam's condition. Liam can only sleep in this bed.

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Although there is a system to monitor the state of Liam's body through some sensors, someone has to be by Liam's side at all times. Because even the slightest problem can put his life in danger. Liam's family is facing thousands of pounds in electricity bills to keep him alive. But they find joy in seeing Liam survive.

Not only that disease, but at one point Liam also got cancer. But surprisingly even cancer has not stopped him yet. Doctors say, it is amazing to survive this long with this disease. They are not sure how much longer Liam can survive like this.

Liam will never be able to live independently due to physical problems. He always has to rely on someone else.


This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১, ২০২০ 12:38 pm

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