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Some unknown facts about Tom Hanks

His films have grossed $8.5 billion worldwide

The Dhaka Times Desk He is not particularly handsome, he does not have eye-catching glamour. But he has won Hollywood only with extraordinary acting. He has taken himself to a unique height by acting in famous movies one after another. Some special information is given today about that Tom Hanks.

  • Hanks is one of only two actors to win an Oscar two years in a row. He won Oscars in 1993 and 1994.
  • At one point in his childhood, he used to sell popcorn and nuts.
  • Collecting typewriters is a particular hobby of Tom's. So far he has collected about 80 typewriters from many countries of the world.
  • A League of Their Own He gained 30 pounds for the movie.
  • Tom's parents divorced when he was only 4.
  • In 2013, Tom announced that he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
  • টম হ্যাঙ্কস সম্পর্কে কিছু অজানা তথ্য 1

  • Tom Hanks is involved in politics. He has given financial support to many Democratic candidates. In 2008, he directly endorsed Barack Obama.
  • His films have grossed $8.5 billion worldwide.
  • Before acting, he once worked as a bag-puller in a hotel.
  • Tom Hanks is not only a successful actor but also a very successful producer. So far he has produced more than 20 movies.
  • টম হ্যাঙ্কস সম্পর্কে কিছু অজানা তথ্য 2

  • Tom's special wish was to become an astronaut.
  • He is a big fan of English Premier League club Aston Villa.
  • An asteroid is named after him.
  • Two-time Oscar winner Tom Hanks wins Hollywood Film Awards with actress Natalie Portman (November 2016).
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