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Twitter will give new benefits in exchange for money!

Twitter's dominance spans the globe

Men are silhouetted against a video screen with an Twitter logo as he poses with an Samsung S4 smartphone in this photo illustration taken in the central Bosnian town of Zenica, August 14, 2013. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic (BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Tags: BUSINESS TELECOMS )

The Dhaka Times Desk One of the social media is Twitter. Starting from the heads of governments of different countries, many famous personalities use Twitter. They expressed their various personal opinions through Twitter. Twitter will give new benefits in exchange for money!

অর্থের বিনিময়ে নতুন সুবিধা দেবে টুইটার! 1

Twitter dominates the social media worldwide. Their activities are spread worldwide. Twitter has become a social media for everyone, big and small, rich and poor. From US President Donald Trump to many famous personalities in the world, Twitter is used. At the peak of global fame, Twitter is taking various decisions to please their customers. Among these decisions, Twitter is going to give a new benefit in exchange for money.

It is known that if a Twitter user wants to show his tweets on a stranger's timeline, then Twitter will also arrange it from now on. However, Twitter will not provide this service for free. That's why Twitter has to pay $99 per month.

According to Twitter sources, even though this service has been introduced, not all Twitter users will get this facility at the moment. Only invited users (i.e. those whom Twitter authorities want to grant this facility on their own) will be able to enjoy this new facility.

Twitter authorities made an announcement in this regard in a blog post last Friday. They said that many of the Twitter users advertise on Twitter individually. They are expected to benefit a lot from this new facility.

However, many Twitter users disagree about this service. Many consider it an 'exercise of privilege' to show it on anyone's timeline. Therefore, many think that this benefit is acceptable.

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