The Dhaka Times
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Every person in that village is a millionaire!

The name of this village in China is Huaxi

The Dhaka Times Desk It is natural that anyone would be surprised to hear such a thing. Because we know the village people are low income. At least the context of our country says so. But a village has been found that every person in the village has more than one crore rupees in their bank account!

যে গ্রামের প্রতিটি মানুষ কোটিপতি! 1

Maybe you've never heard of such a thing. And that is after the government gave you a house, a car as a gift, again deposited 85 lakhs in your account! Surely it will seem impossible to you? But this is what happened in a village in China. The name of the village is Huaxi. Every citizen of the village is given these benefits. And so everyone in that village has more than one crore rupees in their bank account!

This exclusive village has all the world-class luxury facilities that are possible only in the world of imagination. This village is said to be the richest village in China.

The village was founded in 1951 by the local Communist Party Secretary Wu Renbao. Each resident of this village has more than one crore rupees in their accounts. There is a bungalow for living and a car for transportation. The population of this clean village is only 2 thousand.

Thinking if you could really live in this village! But not what you think, because it is not very easy to be considered worthy to live in this village. The first thing one has to do to live in this village is to get a job in one of the company's farms in this village. But getting that job is not very easy. Job only after passing many exams. But if you get a job, it's in Kellaft. After that, the way to live a luxurious life will begin. First you will be given a car and bungalow. But that's not all, the residents of this village use helicopters as taxis to reach their destinations!

What is the only condition for enjoying so many luxuries? There are more conditions. Never leave this village. If you want to leave the village, you have to leave everything behind. You can't take a single bite with you! All your property will be confiscated if you leave the village!

What kind of work do the residents of this village? This village has steel production, textile and even garment industries.

যে গ্রামের প্রতিটি মানুষ কোটিপতি! 2

The area of this luxury village is only one square kilometer! The village has army barrack style dormitories, factories and pagodas for living. In terms of luxury, the village may seem like Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. In short, this village has all the elements of modern luxury.

There is a state-of-the-art luxury hotel named 'The International Luxury Long Wish Hotel' in this village. The hotel has more than 826 rooms. 16 of which are presidential suites. The most expensive suite of this hotel is the Gold Presidential Suite. A one-night stay in a room will cost like 12 and a half lakh rupees!

The area of the village is less than one square kilometer. Yet there are elements here that attract the attention of tourists. The skyscraper in this village looks quite tall and strangely incongruous. A strange sight, this skyscraper is a building of 72 stories. It is called the Hanging Village of Huaxi. The height of this building is 328 meters which is 4 meters higher than the Eiffel Tower in France!

From a distance, it doesn't look like your village. A really beautiful and clean village is this Huaxi village in China!

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