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Qatar announced to grant citizenship to expatriates

As a result of this proposal, foreigners will now be able to become permanent citizens of Qatar if they wish

Lusail City, Qatar

The Dhaka Times Desk The government of Qatar has announced to grant citizenship to foreign residents residing in Qatar. In the face of the blockade of the Saudi coalition, Qatar made an attractive offer for foreigners.

কাতার প্রবাসীদের নাগরিকত্ব দেওয়ার ঘোষণা দিয়েছে 1

As a result of this proposal, foreigners will now be able to become permanent citizens of Qatar if they wish. It has been informed that foreign nationals working in the country will also get this benefit.

In this regard, Qatar's official news agency QNA said that this bill was passed by the cabinet last Wednesday. Thousands of foreigners living in Qatar are going to get permanent citizenship.

It is known that due to this new law, children whose mother is a Qatari citizen and whose father is a foreigner will also come under the benefits. The child's father can now become a citizen of the country if he wants. Those who are working in government jobs in Qatar can now also become Qatari citizens.

According to the news agency, the Ministry of Interior of Qatar will make its own decisions in some cases. Those who will get the benefits of citizenship, they will come under several other privileges. They can enjoy the government facilities like other citizens of the country. They can get free treatment and education.

As a result of the passing of that law, you can do any job starting from the armed forces. Owning your own business can be held in your own name. No Qatari citizen will be required to have a partnership in doing business either.

It should be noted that Qatar is the first among the Gulf countries to offer such facilities. Such facilities are unthinkable in Middle Eastern countries. Millions of people remain in the country as foreigners despite long-term employment.

It is known that Qatar, a country rich in oil resources, has a population of two and a half million. 90 percent of whom are foreign nationals. The number of people from South Asia is high in the country. Foreigners flock to the country mainly to work in the construction industry.

It should be noted that Egypt, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates severed diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia and Qatar on June 5. Countries have severed ties with Doha and imposed a blockade, accusing it of supporting, funding and nurturing militant groups including the Muslim Brotherhood. These four Gulf countries have closed airspace, land ports and even seaports for Qatar.

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