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Vladimir Putin fishing on vacation!

Russian President Vladimir Putin went hunting and caught fish in the southern part of Siberia

The Dhaka Times Desk Russian President Vladimir Putin is one of the few influential heads of state in the world. This time his picture of fishing is now viral through online media. He recently took a fishing vacation in southern Siberia, Russia.

অবকাশে গিয়ে মাছ শিকার ভ্লাদিমির পুতিন! 1

Russian President Vladimir Putin went hunting and caught fish in the southern part of Siberia. This picture was published by Reuters last Saturday. Russian President Putin spent three days in the mountains of Siberia sunbathing, mushroom picking, boating and fishing.

The photo of his vacation from Tuesday to Thursday was released by the Kremlin last Saturday. Like many people like fishing! The president of Russia also has that hobby. He fulfills that desire whenever he gets a break. Russian President Vladimir Putin is one of the most adventurous people in the world. Therefore, whenever he goes on vacation, he catches the attention of the world by doing various things including fishing.

The current most powerful man in the world recently dived into the water to fish naked in southern Siberia. Various pictures of him swimming in water, fishing have been published.

Even at this age, Vladimir Putin has ventured into a cold mountain lake in southern Siberia. He has also been seen fishing in a camouflage wet suit, driving a powerboat. He spent two days off in an area called Tuva. Every year since 2009, Vladimir Putin has taken such a vacation in Siberia.

অবকাশে গিয়ে মাছ শিকার ভ্লাদিমির পুতিন! 2

But analysts are not sitting still. They have also started various analyzes on this issue. They say there are reasons behind the media's coverage of Putin's adventures. By showing these scenes, he basically wants to send a message to the countrymen that he is still physically fit enough.

Footage of his vacation was also shown on Russian TV. In that, many people can mistake it as a movie by seeing the image of her well-formed body swimming in the lake water, fishing or traveling with a speedboat.

For underwater fishing, Putin wears a camouflage suit and mask similar to professional swimmers. Then he returned after catching fish. Currently, these pictures of him are adorning the world. Someone is calling him 'Young President'!

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