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Sabyasachi Chakraborty praised Shakib Khan

Shakib Khan's power has spread not only in Bangladesh, but also across the border

The Dhaka Times Desk Famous actor of India Sabyasachi Chakraborty praised Shakib Khan, the popular actor of Bangladesh today.

শাকিব খানের ভূযসী প্রশংসা করলেন সব্যসাচী চক্রবর্তী 1

Shakib Khan's popularity is not only in Bangladesh, but also beyond the borders of Bangladesh. The success of the movies 'Shikari' and 'Nawab' took him to greater heights. Kolkata's powerful actor Sabyasachi Chakraborty is very impressed with this popular hero of Bangladesh.

It is known that Sabyasachi Chakraborty acted with Shakib in the movies 'Shikari' and 'Nawab'. Thanks to these two movies, Shakib was closely watched by Sabyasachi Chakraborty. From that experience, the veteran actor of West Bengal praised the Dhallywood actor in an interview given to 'City Cinema' recently. He said 'Shakib is a very good boy.'

শাকিব খানের ভূযসী প্রশংসা করলেন সব্যসাচী চক্রবর্তী 2

Sabyasachi Chakraborty said, I heard about Shakib earlier. But never talked to him. First seen during the film "Shikari". That's when I talked to him. Such a good boy, he has such good manners. He is currently the biggest star of Bangladesh. But I was very impressed by his behavior with us. I myself have become a big fan of him.'

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