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The death of Chinese youth to eliminate Internet addiction!

Many people are getting addicted to internet and video games

The Dhaka Times Desk A Chinese young man died while trying to eliminate Internet addiction! The death occurred while the young man was being treated at a treatment center to get rid of internet addiction.

ইন্টারনেট আসক্তি দূর করতে গিয়ে মৃত্যু চীনা তরুণের! 1

Currently, there are many problems related to internet addiction around the world. This trend is especially seen in the case of young people. There is a lot of discussion about the way to get rid of this addiction. Many people are getting addicted to internet and video games. Several treatment centers have been established in China to get rid of that internet addiction. Where these addicted youths are given medical care.

According to the BBC, the treatment camps are very military-style. An 18-year-old Chinese youth addicted to the Internet was admitted to the treatment center. He died there while being treated. Since then, criticism against such controversial institutions has started in China.

Chinese local media reported that the young man's body was found with several injuries. The director and staff of the healing center in China's eastern Anhui province were detained by the police.

The young man's mother Liu said that her son became very addicted to the Internet. She or her husband tried to convince their son in various ways but nothing worked. They then took the boy to an internet addiction treatment center in Fuyang City on the 3rd of this month. Two days later, they received a call that their child had been admitted to the hospital. Their child died there.

The company's advertisement said that through psychological and physical therapy, they treat children and teenagers to eliminate Internet addiction.

However, nothing is known about the actual cause of death of the young man. However, the doctors told the parents that they found more than 20 injury marks on the body of the young man.

Local media Anhui Sangbao quoted the young man's mother, Liu, as saying, 'I saw scars from head to toe on my son's body...When I sent him to that healing center, he was still fine.' His question is 'How can he die within 48 hours?'

It should be noted that many such Internet addiction treatment centers have recently been established in China. Some of these institutions are also associated with local hospitals. They have become very popular in China. Many people send their children to these treatment centers to reduce internet addiction. However, some institutions have been accused of beating 'patients', electric shocks and other forms of torture.

The Chinese government recently launched a crackdown on such healing centers due to complaints. The Chinese government drafted a law in this regard early this year. The draft law details how internet addiction can be treated in any way.

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