The Dhaka Times Desk Thakurgaon Deputy Commissioner Abdul Awal lifted an old woman in his lap. This scene has now become a widely circulated news on social media including online news media.
আমাদের দেশের যারা বড় কোনো পদে থাকেন, সাধারণত তাদের ধারে কাছে সাধারণ মানুষ ভিড়তেও পারেন না। নিজের পদ ও পদবীর মর্যাদা রক্ষা করার জন্য তৎপর হয়ে ওঠেন। তবে এর বাইরেও যে দু’চার নেই তা বলা যাবে না। যেমন ঠাকুরগাঁওয়ের জেলা প্রশাসক আব্দুল আওয়াল এমন এক মহানুভবতার নজির সৃষ্টি করলেন। তিনি অসহায় এক বৃদ্ধাকে নিজে কোলে করে তুলে নিয়ে গেলেন গাড়িতে করে।
Locals were shocked to see the scene when Abdul Awal was carrying Taslema Khatun (98), who was bloodied by her own children and wife, to the ambulance. Seeing a Deputy Commissioner doing this, everyone was silent. The people of Dangipara village of Dangipara Union of Haripur Upazila were surprised to see the presence of the Deputy Commissioner and journalists at 7 am last day (Wednesday).
At that time, the people of the area said that the work that needed to be done by his own son, he did that work, big sir!
The day before that (Tuesday) at noon, the 60-year-old son Badruddin and his wife suddenly became angry when they asked for rice for food from the centenarian old lady Taslema Khatun Bouma. At one stage, the centenarian old woman was beaten by them. This old lady also got a serious injury under her left eye.
As the incident was publicized in some media and social media Facebook, many people expressed their pain for the old woman and demanded punishment for her son.
Deputy Commissioner Abdul Awal came to know the matter late as he stayed at the shelters of Banvasi people in Thakurgaon till late night. Then he confirmed to the media that he went to rescue the old lady late at night.
At 7 am on Wednesday, Deputy Commissioner Abdul Awal, along with local journalists, appeared at the old lady's house.
Haripur Upazila Nirbahi Officer Arif Beg, Dangipara Union Chairman Moniruzzaman Moni and dignitaries of the area also appeared there after receiving the news of the presence of the District Commissioner. Later, in the presence of everyone, Taslema Khatun was taken to Thakurgaon by ambulance. Then at 12 noon, Taslema Khatun was admitted to Thakurgaon Sadar Hospital under the direct supervision of the Deputy Commissioner and Civil Surgeon.
Partha Sarthi Das, a doctor in the emergency department of the hospital, said that the old mother's eye injuries appeared to be very serious. He is being given necessary treatment. Civil surgeon Dr. Thakurgaon Sadar Hospital has ordered all his treatment. Abu Mohammad Khairul Kabir.
Deputy Commissioner Abdul Awal told the media that when I came to know about the incident at night that an old mother was injured by her child, I was very saddened.
That's why I went to Haripur in search of old mother at 7 in the morning. Later, in the presence of local administration and public representatives, we brought the old mother to Thakurgaon Modern Sadar Hospital for better treatment. All the details of his treatment are being kept.
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This post was last modified on আগস্ট ১৮, ২০১৭ 12:09 am
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