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Google is bringing new Android

The US tech giant Google has been testing this version called 'Android O' until now.

The Dhaka Times Desk Google is about to bring a new version of the Android operating system. It is scheduled to be unveiled soon. The new version is named 'Android O'.

গুগল নতুন অ্যান্ড্রয়েড আনছে 1

The US tech giant Google has been testing this version named 'Android O' until now. Now they are going to open it officially. This information is given in the report of the American media CNBC.

There is already some information about this new version of Google. One of the most talked about features of Android O is its 'picture-in-picture' mode. Through this the customer can watch movies on the small screen besides doing other work.

Although there is talk of 'picture-in-picture mode', it is nothing new. This feature was previously seen on Samsung devices.

Google uses the name 'Desert' in naming the Android operating system. Dessert refers to the sweet food after the main meal. Although the name of the dessert is given, it is also customary to call it abbreviated. Eg: Android Nougat is called 'Android N'.

But this time the new version has been named 'Android O'. However, it will be known later if there is any food behind its full name.

It is believed that 'Android O' will be released initially for Google's own Pixel devices. But everything depends on coming to the market.

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