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The strange stone ball of Costa Rica and its history

Scattered throughout the area are huge prehistoric stone balls

The Dhaka Times Desk Huge stone ball. You have to be surprised to see. People who have never seen this scene are really surprised to see such a scene. But surprisingly, such a huge stone ball is never seen in reality. But what is history?

কোস্টারিকার অদ্ভূত পাথরের বল ও তার ইতিকথা 1

Somewhere a strange forest covered with jungle. Somewhere you can see a hill like slope. All in all, huge balls of round stones are spread over the entire area; Not one or two, but hundreds. Scattered throughout the area are huge prehistoric stone balls. It sounds like a fairy tale but it is real.

It is the Diquis Delta in the Central American country of Costa Rica. Around 1930, large stone balls of various shapes were discovered here. Balls made of rocks such as granodiorite and gabbro are both very small, a few centimeters in diameter; Some of them will have a radius of not less than two meters. Some balls are made of limestone and sandstone. The weight of these balls will be at least 16 tons. At least 100 such stone balls have been found there. There are also legends about these strange balls. Where did these stone balls come from? There are many legends about it. They did not emerge overnight, these stones were lying in the forest for thousands of years.

It is known that in the early 19th century the people around came to know about them but no one thought about them. But the world came to know about them in the 1930s and 1940s. That is when the United Fruit Company of the United States started buying land to expand their business in Costa Rica. These balls are found while clearing the forest for banana cultivation.

Archaeologists came there after receiving news from them. After researching various data, they concluded that the early inhabitants of pre-Columbian America made these balls. By descent, they were the ancestors of the Baruca, Terebe, and Guamí, a very small group of people living in the north of Honduras and Colombia. Farming and fishing were the main occupations of these primitive inhabitants. As they lived on the banks of mountain rivers, round stones were very easily available to them. One source says that these balls are the work of the Chibichan speaking people. But why did they build these wonderful buildings? And why were these stone balls left in the forest and wilderness? No one knows the answer.

Some researchers, including researcher George Erickson, believe that the balls may be at least 12,000 years old. But many people do not agree with them. Conventional radiocarbon dating methods cannot be applied to these balls, which is why scientists have had a hard time determining their age. But it is now fairly accepted that these balls were made between 600 and 1500 years before the birth of Christ.

However, research is still going on today about what the stone balls were actually used for. First let's know what the myths created around them actually were.

It is known that there is a popular belief among the Red Indians that Tara, the god of thunder, threw these balls at Cerkes, the god of storms, with the help of a huge blow pipe. Our modern fantasists claim that these balls came from the lost city of Atlantis.

Some people have claimed that aliens have made them! When balls are discovered, many are arranged in straight lines, some are arranged triangularly, some are arranged like parallel fields. Some balls were arranged to point to the North Pole. A man named Ivor Zapp claimed that these balls were designed to point to Chile's Star Island and England's famous Stonehenge! But in the end, none of these ideas survived.

It is believed that the balls may have been made to indicate the houses of the tribal rulers of that period. However, this explanation cannot be confirmed. So the purpose of making the balls remains a mystery.

It is reported that while clearing the forest, the laborers have removed many balls from their original place. Again, many rich people in Costa Rica or foreign researchers have picked up many balls. For that reason, if they had any geometrical significance at all, it is no longer understandable today.

It is said that the ancestors of the Red Indian tribes who are believed to have built the balls all left the country thanks to the persecution of the Spanish conquistadors (the Spanish explorers who conquered Latin America). Moreover, they do not have any written history, so it is not possible to get any effective information from them. One reason the balls were created is that, like the Nazca Lines in Peru, they may have been used for astrological purposes. But nothing is known about him for sure. Everything is a mystery!

The balls were preserved by the Costa Rican government after they were declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2014. These stones are now world heritage.

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