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In China, strange and long names of organizations are prohibited!

Seeing the name of the Chinese company, many people will be puzzled

The Dhaka Times Desk Chinese companies have recently been criticized for having strange and long names. In the end, the Chinese government has banned these strange and long names!

চীনে প্রতিষ্ঠানের অদ্ভুত আর অতিদীর্ঘ নাম নিষিদ্ধ! 1

Sometimes the name is kept like, 'Beijing Afraid of Wife Technology' or 'What You Looking at Technology' - and sometimes, many people will be confused when they see such a name of an organization. If the meaning of the first name stands, 'Beijing in fear of woman technology'! The second means 'what you see in technology'. It is doubtful whether an institution with such a name can be found anywhere else in the world. But in recent times in China, all such strange and ridiculous names are rampant.

China is the world's second largest economy. Along with this development of technology and economy, the number of business establishments in the country is gradually increasing. Also increasing the number of organization registrations with strange and ridiculously long names. This time, the Chinese government has come to its senses, albeit a little late. A new law issued recently states that registration of companies with strange and excessively long names will not be granted.

Recently, the Chinese government has also begun the process of removing signboards written in poor English. This weak English in China is called 'Chinglish'. After this initiative to remove signboards written in poor English, Beijing became stricter about the name of the institution.

China's state newspaper The Legal Daily provides examples of some of the more strange and ridiculous names. For example: 'Shanghai Wife Biggest Electronic Commerce', 'Hangzhou No Trouble Looking for Troubled Internet Technology'. On the other hand, a condom marketing company has been given a name like 'There is a group of young people with dreams, who believe they can create wonders of life under Uncle New's leadership of internet technology'.

China's industry and commerce administration banned the strange names this month. Moreover, the country has banned names that are offensive, racist, religious or political. However, China's state television channel China Central Television is known as 'The Big Underpants'. It remains to be seen what the authorities will do about this name.

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