The Dhaka Times Desk Now such a dress has been discovered on which jewelry will move! Last year, scientists at MIT and Stanford developed a new type of robot that can use magnets to scroll over your clothes. Now using that technology, modern fashion clothes are coming very soon!
There is no end to the research of scientists on clothes. Just like a designer tries to modernize the clothes, this time scientists also ate ginger-water. Last year, scientists at MIT and Stanford developed a new type of robot that can use magnets to scroll over your clothes. Now, using that technology, modern fashion clothes are coming very soon. Jewelry that will go over the clothes!
It has been reported that the tiny robots will act as living jewelery in clothing. This is jewelery that can be worn on clothes. Can change the pattern of clothes and can also do stitching. The name of this new project is 'Kino'.
These invented robots not only serve aesthetic purposes, but also have sensors, which are able to take necessary actions automatically by sensing the environmental conditions. After the researchers attached the robots to a raincoat, the robots were able to automatically open the hood of the raincoat after sensing the temperature rise.
The creators of the 'Kino' project believe that in the near future this robot in clothing can also be used as a microphone and speaker for mobile phones. Which is why wearable robots will act as personal assistants.
Cindy Hin-Liu Kao, one of the members of the project, said, "We think in the future they will have their own brains, they will learn your habits, learn your professional style, as well as provide aesthetics and personal assistant services."