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The former prime minister of Thailand has fled to Dubai!

A leader of Yingluck's political party Thai Pue Party confirmed this information on August 26

The Dhaka Times Desk Many thought Thailand's Prime Minister Yingluck seemed lost. There were many rumors about his whereabouts. But he was found. He is running away in Dubai!

থাইল্যান্ডের সাবেক প্রধানমন্ত্রী পালিয়ে রয়েছেন দুবাইয়ে! 1

Thailand's former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra fled the country and went to Dubai. A leader of Yingluck's political party, the Thai Pue Party, confirmed this information on August 26, according to media reports. Yingluck's brother in Dubai and former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra is also reportedly in self-imposed exile.

Yingluck was scheduled to appear at the Thai Supreme Court on August 25 but did not appear. His lawyer told the court that Yingluck Shinawatra could not attend the court due to illness. But the court did not consider this and set a new date of September 27 to announce the verdict in his case.

It is to be noted that a case was filed against Yingluck for alleging huge financial loss in subsidized rice collection campaign from the country's farmers. The judgment of that case was supposed to be on Friday, August 25. If found guilty in that case, the former Prime Minister Yingluck will have to serve 10 years in prison.

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