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Asteroid will hit the earth on October 12?

The asteroid was spotted by telescopes at the Pan Stars Observatory on the island of Hawaii between Thursday and Saturn.

The Dhaka Times Desk Although not very big in size, scientists have said that it will be roughly the size of a three-four-story house. Scientists are very worried about the asteroid even though it is small in size. It could hit Earth in October.

আগামী ১২ অক্টোবর পৃথিবীকে আঘাত হানবে গ্রহাণু? 1

This asteroid was first discovered on October 10, 2012. The asteroid was spotted by telescopes at the Pan Stars Observatory on the island of Hawaii on Thursday between Saturn and Saturn. Then for the last 5 years, scientists could not find any trace of the asteroid. But the asteroid is running very fast. Its orbit is also not fully understood. Astronomers are naturally concerned about the asteroid.

According to the European Space Agency (ESA), this asteroid will cross the Earth on October 12. At that time, astronomers are worried about whether it will pass through the Earth's ear or hit the Earth.

The asteroid was recently spotted again by a joint search by ESA and the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Chile. The asteroid is only 44,000 kilometers away from Earth. In October, this asteroid will come to less than one-eighth of the distance of the Moon from the Earth. Astronomers still do not understand its orbit.

The main reason for fear about this asteroid heading towards Earth is that it is rushing from space at an impossible speed. Therefore, on October 12, the asteroid will come close to the earth or whether it will eventually become dangerous for the earth, it is still not very sure about that, it has been informed by 'ESA'. Astronomers are expressing fear that the asteroid '2012 TC-4' will be dangerous if it enters the Earth's atmosphere.

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